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SANDO illness from the Inside out

Bart, 53, suffers from a very rare disease called SANDO, a force of bodily destruction that accelerates with each passing year, like a Bart, 54, suffers from the very rare SANDO disease, a force of bodily destruction that accelerates with each passing year, like a roller coaster, faster and faster.

Bart – upbeat, at times deeply sad, popular with the ladies- was medically discharged at a young age, but nevertheless persisted in becoming a lecturer and never abandoned his passion for traveling.

„As a young man I only took short detours from normal life into sick life. Today, it’s vice versa:“

The roller coaster has caught up with him: from stumbling to hobbling, from rollator to wheelchair. From solid food to a feeding bag with tube leading directly tot he intestine. No more eating or drinking.

„There’s an assassin in my body for well over 50 years – a murderer, who is slowly but steadily destroying everything in me“. Even speaking and hearing. One day everything will stop working – the lungs, the heart: out, boom. But Bart takes his life as it is. Bart is not the disease. Bart is Bart.


Direction and Production: Eva Danzl and Marcio Souza

Documentary - 72 minutes

Country: Switzerland Year: 2019 Language: Dutch (with English and German subtitles)

DCP Format

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Eva Danzl +41 77 411 73 84

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